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Modern Seismic Solutions for Modern Seismic Problems

SPRINT 6D Interpolation

Proprietary and available only at Z-Terra North, Structure PReserving INTerpolation (SPRINT) improves imaging over the earths surface to overcome 3D seismic acquisition limitations.

6D Interpolation Uniqueness

  • 6D Angular weighted MWNI (Minimum Weighted Norm Interpolation)

  • De-aliasing capability, effective in data upsampling

  • AVO friendliness

  • Improved imaging over conventional 5D MWNI based methods

  • Structured and Stratigraphic imaging

  • 3D Merge applications. Optimize 3D field geometries for Azimuthal migration sampling

  • 4D Baseline and Monitor. Minimize field acquisition differences between surveys

  • 3C P-S Converted wave

Of many elegant methods, 5D minimum weighted norm interpolation (MWNI) is the most popular method due to its ability to closely maintain the original input trace characteristics, including signal-to-noise, better than any other known method. Many industry 5D interpolation techniques, including 5D MWNI, start data fitting from the stable low frequency slices, one slice at a time, and recursively layer-by-layer work their way up to higher frequencies. This unconstrained fitting can lead to inaccurate results under challenging scenarios such as meagre data support, upsampling of regularly missing data, or aliased dips.


The 6D interpolation method has an additional dimension along reflector multiangular directions to be added to the 5D MWNI in order to guide the a priori model in the frequency-wavenumber domain. Angular weights connect data information across all frequency-wavenumbers globally, which is crucial to de-aliasing of data, but is completely missing in the conventional 5D MWNI.


Diffraction Imaging

Preservation of the diffracted wave field is fundamental to the imaging workflow. With Z-Terra North's high level of seismic processing experience and proprietary Z-XPRO Software, the workflow is designed to optimize the integrity of the diffracted wavefield.

Diffraction Imaging is applicable in both the time or depth imaging domains and provides an interpretable 3D SEG-Y volume that complements the conventional PSTM/PSDM imaging.

Using our Diffraction Imaging innovations, the interpreter can now visualize fractures, faults, channels, facies change, buried bodies in the subsurface of complex and compartmentalized unconventional and conventional plays to an unprecedented degree.

Due to its kinematic nature, when used in conjunction with all other incoherency attributes (coherence, curvature, AVAZ/VVAZ) DI can greatly contribute to identify drilling hazards.

  • Diffractive Wavefield Separation

  • PSTM or PSDM imaging applications

  • Superior Fault detection vs curvature, coherency or edge detection technologies

  • Identify drilling hazards


Time proven robust solutions for complex ray path imaging. Starting with the near surface Tomography model to each step in Structural imaging, we provide optimal resolution of dipping events and velocity models tied to geological dip. 6D Interpolation (SPRINT6D) is specialized for complex datasets requiring angular weighted MWNI.  We offer advanced anisotropic time and depth imaging services. 

Z-Terra North has proven geophysical experience in rugged terrain and complex geology.

  • Refraction Statics, Tomography, Flatirons

  • 3D AVO compliant processing, Broadband, Stable phase

  • Horizon consistent velocity model building

  • Advanced FX4D noise reduction, no restrictions on field acquisition. Effective for structural data.

  • Structure PReserving INTerpolation in 6D (SPRINT6D): Angular weighted MWNI.

  • Cartesian OVT COV or polar COA domain

  • VTI, HTI, VVAZ, AVAZ analyses

  • 3D PSTM Time Imaging (Kirchhoff, shot profile Wave Equation Migration)

  • 3D PSDM Depth Imaging (Kirchhoff) – Model building, Well integration, Near surface models

Depth Processing

Anisotropic Depth Imaging

Our solution enables you to do imaging on complex geologic structures using accurate velocity modeling and visualization. Tomography and velocity model building is completed with Kirchhoff and Fast Beam using Tomography updates. Structured imaging in the depth domain provides the geoscientist with the most accurate reconstruction of the subsurface.

  • PSDM:

    • Kirchhoff PSDM with anisotropic VTI and TTI travel times
      Parallel focused adaptive run-time optimization 

    • Fast Beam Migration
      Super-efficient algorithm that is two orders of magnitude faster than the industry standard Kirchhoff depth migration.

  • Tomography:

    • Layer freezing or global updates

    • Single and multiple parameter residual velocity estimation:
      Single Value Tomography
      Offset Vector Tomography
      360 Azimuth Offset Tomography

Custom Seismic Solutions

Z-Terra North uses proprietary software Z-XPRO that is developed in house by an amazing R&D team.  If you are looking for something specific from your seismic data, we have the team that can create a custom solution for your data.

Always going the extra mile to take seismic data processing into the future of the oil & gas industry. 

Abstract Background


Click on the presentation for the abstract.  If you would like to know more, please contact us and we can arrange an encore presentation for you or your company.


Geophysical Society Houston

Structure preserving 6D Interpolation – Theory and Case Studies

Dan Negut, Mark Ng

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition

Fault Shadow Zone Mitigation via PSDM Imaging – Entrerrios, Llanos Basin, Colombia

Dan Negut, Alexander Negut, Goran Cotra, Carlos Duran Naffah, Jose Araujo Sanchez, Gabriel Alvarez, Trino Salinas



Deblending by Asymmetrical Multidirectional Vector Median Filtering

Dan Negut, Warren Upham, Brent Sato


Llanos Basin, PSDM Contribution to Fault Shadow Zone Effect Mitigation – Case study

Alexander Negut, Goran Cotra, Carlos Duran Naffah, Jose Araujo Sanchez, Gabriel Alvarez, Trino Salinas, Dan Negut


6D Interpolation Determinants

Mark Ng, Dan Negut

Best Poster Award

EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition

Fault shadow zone PSDM Imaging – Entrerrios, Llanos Basin, Colombia

Dan Negut, Alexander Negut, Goran Cotra, Carlos Duran Naffah, Jose Araujo Sanchez, Gabriel Alvarez, Trino Salinas

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