Year In Review - 2023
The Z-Terra North team has been hard at work and here are some highlights from the previous year.
Successful Projects
Finished the largest 3D Merge PSTM & PSDM project (over 5,300 sq. km. by merging 20 surveys) in Llanos basin. Three successful exploration wells drilled by block operator.
Finished PSDM processing of an Ecuador survey. Three successful exploration wells drilled by the block operator.
Finished PSTM processing of two Ukraine surveys. One successful exploration wells drilled by the block operator
During 2023, Z-Terra North team successfully completed CCUS & Thermal dedicated processing projects for clients in Canada (onshore & offshore), USA (onshore), The Netherlands (onshore) and Bulgaria (offshore).
New Alliances
Dan Negut (Z-Terra North President & CTO) and Satinder Chopra (SamiGeo President) signed an operating alliance between ZTN & SamiGeo based on product quality and synergies of the two companies.
Z-Terra North was awarded an important PSTM/PSDM Advanced Technology project in Upper Magdalena Valley Basin in Colombia by a major oil & gas company.
Conferences Attended
EAGE (Vienna)
SEG (Houston)
Oil & Gas Summit Conference (Cartagena)

Bogota Technology Day
Organized and hosted the 6th annual Technology Day in Bogota, Colombia.