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Year In Review - 2023

The Z-Terra North team has been hard at work and here are some highlights from the previous year. 

Successful Projects

  • Finished the largest 3D Merge PSTM & PSDM project (over 5,300 sq. km. by merging 20 surveys) in Llanos basin. Three successful exploration wells drilled by block operator.


  • Finished PSDM processing of an Ecuador survey. Three successful exploration wells drilled by the block operator. 


  • Finished PSTM processing of two Ukraine surveys. One successful exploration wells drilled by the block operator


  • During 2023, Z-Terra North team successfully completed CCUS & Thermal dedicated processing projects for clients in Canada (onshore & offshore), USA (onshore), The Netherlands (onshore) and Bulgaria (offshore).

New Alliances

  • Dan Negut (Z-Terra North President & CTO) and Satinder Chopra (SamiGeo President) signed an operating alliance between ZTN & SamiGeo based on product quality and synergies of the two companies.


  • Z-Terra North was awarded an important PSTM/PSDM Advanced Technology project in Upper Magdalena Valley Basin in Colombia by a major oil & gas company.

Conferences Attended

  • EAGE (Vienna)


  • SEG (Houston)


  • Oil & Gas Summit Conference (Cartagena)

Bogota Technology Day

Organized and hosted the 6th annual Technology Day in Bogota, Colombia.




2500, 715 - 5 Avenue SW

Calgary, AB   T2P 2X6


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